Surrender To Overcome

I was rock climbing with a friend of mine a few years ago. He was one of those guys who took interest in all sorts of religions: Buddhism, Hinduism, New Age stuff… whatever. I had gotten saved at age 18, and had spent the previous 5 years investigating said religions, and so they weren’t all that interesting to me anymore. But that’s besides the point.

While I was looping my harness my friend asked me what I thought about the “Eastern” concept of “surrendering to overcome”. I’m sure he was hoping it would spiral me into a rabbit trail of deep thoughts, or that I would engage in some philosophical debate.

For me, though, I instantly felt like this reminded me of something. Someone.

“Surrendering to overcome,” I paused, “sounds a lot to me like Jesus.”

My mind wandered to my God-man. I thought of the Uncreated Being, the Maker of all things, the Author, the Perfector, making the decision to become a human. Philippians reminds me that Jesus didn’t just become a human, but became a servant. It talks about how even though He was God, He didn’t use that power and authority for himself, but rather… (this is what the text says): became “nothing.”

The text goes on, and you and I know the story. Jesus (remember, He’s still God) gets falsely accused of a number of things, and then suffers a criminal’s death. Death by crucifixion.

The truth here, is that Jesus could have summoned an army of Angel Ninjas, who would have busted heads and taken names. He could have ascended to a human throne, ruling – not just the Isrealites, but the world.  He’s GOD. He does what he wants.

But, instead, he saves the world by giving it all up.

My friend nodded at my comment, and then said “yeah, I think so too.”

What’s so fabulous about our Jesus, and about Christianity in general – is that we’re the only religion out there whose God came to find us. We don’t need to reach Nirvana. We don’t have to achieve the 7th realm of Heaven. We don’t have to gain His favor.

God came down.

And our response, then, should be the same – surrendering to overcome. Letting go of our pride to move forward. Letting go of control to serve. Losing our lives to find it.

May you walk in the strength and utter amazement of surrender today. And may you be refreshed by a God who gave it all up so you could have it all. And my guess is He has no regrets. He’d do it again.